How to use OAuth with Express in NodeJS

Often in apps, we need to pull certain information from other services. Consider a scenario where you need to build a web application to assist hiring and recruitment. In such scenario, we often need to pull data from other sources like (Github, Linkedin, Stack Overflow etc). One of the best way to handle that transfer of information without compromising on the security is via OAuth.

Jest Testing patterns in React-Redux applications

  • Jest provides a complete ecosystem for testing. There is no need of extra libraries - Mocha, Sinon, Istanbul, Chai, proxyquire etc. as all are present in Jest itself.

Basics of ES6


How to setup your blog with Jekyll & Github pages

As part of new year resolution, i finally decided to start my own blog to share my learning on the programming end. I came across multiple reddit posts on the eve of new year sharing some resolutions for programmers. I have always felt that instead of relying on the number of followers for your blog, it’s kind of personal gain for me to keep a journal of my own learnings.

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