
Time to React

Created by Ranjith Nair

Why so complex !

Why React?

  • Because it's awesome
  • Concept of Components
  • Undirectional Data Flow
  • Virtual DOM
  • Declarative Programming
  • React Native & PWA - Extending to Mobile World

Composition - React Components


Unidirectional Dataflow

UI gets updated when the state gets updated.

						fn(state) = UI

Why 1-way data flow?

Why 1-way data flow?

1-way vs Bi-Directional

See the Pen Angular - 2 way binding by Ranjith (@ranjithnair) on CodePen.

See the Pen dWMmmK by Ranjith (@ranjithnair) on CodePen.

Virtual DOM

						Current State - Previous State = Δ

Why VDOM is fast?

  • Batched DOM Read/Write Operations
  • Effecient update of subtree only

Declarative vs Imperative



  • Send notice about old currency being illegal
  • Pull out old currencies from ATM's
  • Calibrate ATM machines
  • Put new currency in ATM

Declarative vs Imperative

See the Pen Declarative vs Imperative by Ranjith (@ranjithnair) on CodePen.

React Native & PWA